The First World War broke out in 1914 and came to an end with the Peace Settlement of Paris in 1919. In comparison to other countries Japan acquired the largest booty, and her position after the end of First World War became quite strong.

The allied nations had to suffer a lot during and after this Great War whereas Japan came to possess a vast territory and great prestige. It encouraged the imperialistic tendency in Japan.

She did not waste much wealth in the world war, so her economic and financial position remained quite sound. Japan also captured Shantung and German Railway line.

She also received several important islands at the time of distribution of the property of the vanquished amongst the victors. In all the consequences of Peace Settlement of Paris, the rise of imperialistic tendencies in Japan was the most significant.


The Anglo-Japanese treaty of 1902 was repeated from time to time. With the passage of time the relations between the two grew quite thick and in 1921 it was further decided that in case of war against any country, the other must help the victim.

But the economic development of Japan alarmed England and she began to agitate for the revision of this treaty.

At the time of Washington Conference Japan was not ready to accept any proposal of disarmament unless status quo was maintained in the Pacific Ocean.

Although Japan later on gave her consent and signed the Naval Pact, the people of Japan were discontented with it. The average of 5: 4: 3 was not acceptable to them.


They felt that the big powers had underestimated the naval power of Japan. It, later on, led to tremendous political change in Japan; and in 1933 first of all, Japan informed about disagreement to follow it.