During the reign of William Kaiser II, industrial development of Germany reached its zenith and she became a rival of England and America. According to the treaty of Frankfort Germany received a large sum as reparation and also the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine which were storehouses of mines and raw materials.

Germany utilized this amount and opportunity for her industrial development. In the modern age iron and coal were needed for the progress of industries and Germany had no dearth of these.

Lorraine had reserves of iron, so that there was a great development in the iron industry of Germany which even surpassed Britain. Germany held third place in the world in the coal market and thus amassed a huge amount every year.

Bismarck followed the policy of Protection and William Kaiser II continued with it. It contributed to the industrial development of Germany and her foreign trade progressed rapidly.


The ship building industry, chemical industry, colours and dyes industry and the electrical goods industry of Germany developed a lot, adding to the economic prosperity of Germany.

The Emperor of Germany not only paid his attention to the development of trade and commerce but also directed resources to the development of agriculture. The farmers were given all kinds of facilities.

Several new agricultural implements were manufactured to increase the product and minimise labour. Seeds and manures were improved in order to increase the production through scientific manner.

During the reign of William Kaiser II, the roads and railways were also improved. Several new ports were constructed. Ships of all countries of the world touched these ports.


From 1871 to 1914 the population of Germany increased greatly and her foreign trade increased by five hundred per cent. People had not to suffer from unemployment during the reign of William II.

The credit for all this industrial development goes to William Kaiser II for he founded new colonies and contributed to the development of trade and commerce.