Apart from Bismarck, William II was also interested in expansion of his naval force. By this time the naval power of Germany had no importance as Bismarck was not prepared to spoil his cordial relations with England on the question of naval power.

So far none of Emperors of Germany had addressed the naval force but William addressing his naval forces declared, “Sea power is the world power” further said, “What my grandfather did for the army on the land that what I shall do for navy.” At another occasion he also declared:

“I will never rest until I have raised my navy to a position similar that occupied by my army.”

The task of expansion of navy was given to Tirpitz who was ordinary man but acquired the post of the Head of Navy. The plan making warships got a great boost in his times. Cruisers, Destroyers a few battleships were built during this period.


On 23rd September 1898 William Kaiser II said, “The future of Germany lies on Sea.” By this timethe strength of German navy had increased three times more than w it was in 1871. A famous historian, C. D. Hazen remarked:

“Under such aggressive and ambitious leadership as this, Germany supplied herself with powerful and modern fleet, second only to t of England.”

William II was keenly interested in occupying Heligoland in 1890 and he handed over to England the island of Zanzibar in Africa, in exchange for the island of Heligoland.

In this island of Heligoland, he established a top-class naval base. William Kaiser II was immensely pleased to get this island.


A canal was dug from Baltic Sea to North Sea in order to join them. Now there was no need of taking a round of Denmark to reach North Sea from Baltic Sea. It increased the utility of German navy.