a. Rammohan Roy:

Rammohan Roy, who was called Bharat Pathik by Rabindranath, realized that unless the social reforms were introduced the country would never be freed from the social evils from which it suffered.

One of the social evils of contemporary India was the practise of Sati. Besides, women unjustifiably denied many rights to which they are entitled by nature. Rammohan Roy raised his voice against all these.

For he was convinced that social regeneration -rust precede political movement against the foreigners. Rammohan’s protests against the Sati did not go unheeded.


It was Rammohan’s movement that influenced Lord William Bentinck to declare Sati illegal and a punishable offence by the Regulation XVII of 1829.

b. Keshab Chandra Sen:

To Keshab Chandra Sen more important than the missionary activities was to relieve the countrymen of the various superstitions.

That is why he included a programme of social reform in the Brahmo movement. His efforts were also directed against the caste-system, and in favour of widow-remarriage as well as inter-caste marriage.


Another achievement of Keshab Chandra was his untiring zeal for female education.

He realized that the uplift of women would never be possible without their proper education and hence his efforts to spread female education.