Globalization is one of those few issues which have greatly agitated the world during the last two centuries. The developed countries have strongly backed globalization which many in poor and developing countries have opposed it. Even in developed countries, some people have protested against it.

In recent years, the opponents of globalization from different parts of the world have gathered in those cities in which the WTO has met. They have vehemently, some time violently, expressed their opposition to globalization.

Their protest so far has failed to stop globalization which has marched ahead. However, due to strong and massive opposition, some significant changes have been introduced globalization.

According to Friedman and Kaplan, ‘Globalization is a process of integration of markets, finance and technology, especially information technology in a way that shrink the world to a miniature in size and enables people from different parts of the globe to reach around the world faster, deeper and cheaper.’


D.N. Dhanagare has observed. ‘Thee term ‘globalization’ refers to the growing economic integration at international level base significantly on activities of multinational corporation.” Anthony Gidden say ‘Globalization can be defined as the intensification of worldwide social relations, which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shared by events occurring many miles away and vice versa.”

According to Anthony McGrew, “Globalization refer to the process operating at a global scale, which cuts across national boundaries, integration or connecting communities and organisations in space time combinations making the would in reality and in experience more interconnected.”

In a broad sense, globalization means the establishment of social, cultural, technological and political relations, without any barriers and restrictions, between country and between societies across the world. In a narrow sense, globalization means establishment of economic, scientific and technological relations between countries i between societies across the world.

Globalization is generally used its narrow sense. But the establishment of economic, scientific and technological relations between two countries would impact on their social, cultural and political relations. Similarly, the political relations between two countries would have effect on their economic relations.


Thus, Globalization is not confined to economic relations between countries. The bilateral relations between two countries may initially have strong economic or political/diplomatic inputs. In either case, in course of a time, the other aspects of their bilateral relations would be affected. However, it needs to be emphasized that globalization is primarily an economic phenomenon, and it would not march ahead unless economic relations are strengthened.