River Tapi rises from the Satpura Mountains in Betul district of Madhya Pradesh and taking a 724-km long course through Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat finally merges into the Gulf of Khambat. Out of its total basin area of 6 mha 15 per cent lies in Madhya Pradesh. 79.1 per cent in Maharashtra and 5.9 per cent in Gujarat. The river supports a number of class I towns many of which are famous for their industrial activities.

About 80 per cent o|’ domestic and 70 per cent of industrial water is disposed as waste water. The major con­tributor of pollution loads is the largely untreated urban waste water and industrial effluents. Of the total BOD load (488 tons/day) 39 per cent is contributed by urban domestic waste water, fol­lowed by industries (21%). The total carry-over of nitrogen and potassium compounds is about 10 per cent. The problem is aggravated during summer months when the river flow is considerably reduced.