Essay, the word comes from French language, ‘essai (an effort). Bacon, the 16th century essayist, considered essay nothing more than random reflections. The word however is applied to writing that goes beyond any definition. The essay is multifarious, both in the form of matter and in any manner.

The prime criteria need to be understood on what the reader expects in a good essay. It should be literate, expressive and a set of correct ideas in a correct language. In competitive examinations, argumentative essay or correctly speaking problem essays finds their use.

The main purpose remains to judge the candidates ability presenting his point of view cogently, logically and impressively. Obviously, it involves the structural organization, scholarly presentation and comprehensive understanding of the topic.

It may be kept in mind that the essay has no watertight compartment between one form and another. Care has to be taken in selecting a form and adhering to the process. It should be presented in an organized manner, irrespective of the category under which it falls.