The relationship between human beings and their environment is very close. The important aspect of the interrelationship is the culture.

Man does not live only in the physical environment but also in the cultural environment which influences their action to greater extent. The kind of environmental resources that would be utilized by the people and the way on which it would be used is dependent on the cultural environment. However, it is the potential, economic and religious factor that put constraints about the use of natural resources to a greater extent.

It is worth mentioning that amongst all living organisms, it is human beings who are capable of changing their environment. All over the world human beings have grouped together to carry out their activities. Such groups are called societies which have their own cultural environment and each individual is guided by the principles of culture they live in. In other words it is the combination of society and culture which form our social environment.

The cultural development and after acquirement of optimum knowledge, over exploitation of natural resources may occur which in fact results in ecological imbalances. Deforestation, replacement of natural forests by concrete jungles, destruction of wildlife etc. are good examples of culture of severely affecting the physical environment. It is true that the exploitation of natural resources is not possible without the acquirement of certain level of knowledge.


One of the most important aspects of our social environment is concerned with religion. Religious beliefs, ritual, and superstitious of the people are directly affected by their environment and economic activity. The objects which are rendered sacred are the objects which are of particular importance in that environment. Religious beliefs and practices can restrain exploitation of certain valuable resources for the new mode of production.

The future of mankind is closely linked with the future scenario of the environment. The modern man is today facing many problems of global concern, including environmental deterioration, population explosion, economic stagnation, industrialization, widespread malnutrition, depletion of natural resources and urbanization etc. the future course of human society depends on the speed and effectiveness with which the world population is actively consult with understanding these problems and also seeking their solution.