Islam uses the term “Vicegerency” (Khilafat) instead of “sovereignty”. According to Islam, sovereignty belongs to God alone.

One holding power and ruling in accordance with the law of God is undoubtedly the vicegerent of Supreme Ruler. He is, however, not empowered to exercise any powers other than those delegated to him.

It may be mentioned here that in Islam the power to rule has been promised to the whole community of believers.

It has not been stated that any particular person or class among them will be raised to that position. From this, it follows that all believers are repositories of the Caliphate.


There is no reservation in favour of any family, class or race. Every believer is a Caliph of God in his individual capacity. By virtue of this position, he is individually responsible to God. Quran says:

“Allah has promised each of you as has become believers and done good deeds that He will most surely make them His vicege­rents in the earth.”

This concept of life mokes the Islamic Khilafat a democracy which in essence and fundamentals is the antithesis of the Theocra­tic, the Monarchical and the Papal form of government as also of the present day Western secular Democracy.