I am a student of Class VI in Pakistan Steel Cadet College. There are seven teachers in our school. One of them is our class teacher. He takes the first period in our class.

Name and Qualifications

The name of our class teacher is Mr. Naveed Chana. He is a trained graduate. He knows English and History quite well. He is very regular in his work. His voice is clear. He writes a good hand.

Physique and Dress


Mr. Naveed has a tall figure. He is about five feet tall. He has fair colour. He is about fifty-five now. He wears a suit of pant and coat. He puts on shoes and stockings. He does not use neck tie.

His duty as a class teacher

Mr. Naveed comes to my class every day in the first period. He makes the roll-call. He marked us present. The absentees are marked absent. The latecomers are marked late. On the fee-collection day he takes the school fees, instead, he gives us receipts. He looks to the general well-being of the class. He knows each of us by name, as a class teacher, he does his duties regularly. Besides, he takes a subject in our class. He teaches us English. On every Saturday we have a debating class. He presides over our meetings for the debate.



As a class-teacher, Mr. Naveed is quite good. He is never rude to us. He never gets angry. He never loses his temper. He is liked by everyone in our class.


Ch. Salman Ali