When the thought repeats, it gathers energy and emotion gets created. In another word, emotion means intensified thoughts. It is a law of physics that when any object rotates, it gathers energy. Out of the original interest (vasana) or the continuous association with objects or thoughts or situations mind feels attachment and the desire takes shape.

This finally emerges as an emotion. An emotion has two sides; positive and negative. Positive or soft emotions are motivated by love (concern) and negative or harsh emotions are motivated by ego. Love (concern) and ego are the two side’s of’Aharri, the T consciousness of human being. Aham is the cause for human freedom as well as bondage, daya, ksama, santi, maitri, karuna, mudita, upeksha etc are a few soft emotions which support life for freedom and Kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada and matsarya are a few harsh emotions which destroy life. Intellectual Body

Man perceives the outer world through sense organs and the mind together. With ‘some force’ inside, man understands the world based on his stored knowledge and comes to conclusion that it is good or bad, right or wrong, useful or not, to do or not to do. This force (power) in the personality is called intellect. Intellect is the power of discrimination and analysis. Thoughts in the mind are unorganised and unplanned but thoughts in the intellect are organised and planned.

What happens in the case of a mentally retarded person? Physical body, prana, mind and emotion – everything is present in the life but the person is not normal, why? It is only because there is an absence of intellect. The person cannot plan or organise his/her thoughts in life and hence suffers.


Intellect is a very important force in life as this is the means by which man progresses in all fields of life. Man has freedom, and he is not programmed by nature like animals and other species and can use his freedom by applying the intellect. By using freedom man can have eternal happiness in the world. Lower intellect and higher intellect are two layers which man uses based on his / her conditioning. Lower intellect is selfish and thinks only of pleasure and joy; higher intellect is selfless and seeks happiness and bliss.

The purpose of human birth is to gain permanent happiness, ultimate knowledge and to find out the truth of universe. Happiness, knowledge and truth are the three facets of ‘Ishwara’, the ultimate force of universe. To know this, to understand this and to implement this in life is recognised as spirituality and every human being is eligible as well as capable of acquiring it. This capacity of man is the spiritual body.

However affluent in life, still man may or may not be happy. The only cause is the life is not flourishing with radiance; the very purpose of life is missing. To overcome this in life he seeks the knowledge of spirituality, if not in young age then at the end of his life. Why? Because he understands that the knowledge which he has is not capable of providing solace to the tired and worn-out mind. All through the life everybody, even the thief, also wants to speak the truth and feels that everybody should speak truth to him because in speaking the truth there is relaxation and there is no burden to carry forward.

The nature of fire is to burn; the nature of water is to flow; the nature of air is to move from one place to another; the nature of earth is to give and give only; the space is always expansive in nature. This is inbuilt spirituality in Nature. The same way man has spirituality and he wants to know the secret of the universe and to see Ishwara everywhere and spread happiness all over. Spirituality means understanding the basic nature of human beings and adhering to it.