With the development of technology, the nomadic culture was gradually replaced by one that called for settlement at a suitable place. Small hamlets were built in area. This gave rise to village and community. Such a change in the life-style of man started between 10000 and 80000 BC. This was called the Middle Stone Age. They continued hunting not only for food but also for obtaining animal hides which could be used for clothing, bedding and making tents.

Emergence of this kind of cultural trend led to the development of agriculture. Wild rice and wheat were obtained and were recognized as staple food items. Useful obtained and were recognized as staple food items. Useful seeds were gathered, stored and sown. When agriculture became a practice, the society of man underwent rapid transformation. Various kinds of tools for agricultural purposes were developed. For example, tilling of the sol, ploughing the field, sowing, reaping, winnowing and storing required different equipment which had to be developed.

Pleistocene:In the Pleistocene epoch (it started about a million years ago and lasted 800000 years) the progress in technology was rapid as man moved successively from the Stone Age to the copper age, the Bronze age and the Iron age. To them we can add the Steel age, in which we live today. It took man one million years to change from a live today. It took man one million years to change from a nomad to a villager, but it talk only a few thousand years to plan a city of the type of Mohenjodaro, Harappa or Lothal.

The next significant step towards advancement lay in the art of designing buildings (archite cture). Technological advancement had an impact on cultural evolution. It would be correct to say that cultural adaptation of human has been more rapid than biological adaptation.


Man has been known as the tool using animal. Man is the only animal capable of grasping tools and weapons. The tools of other animals such as beaks and claws are built into the body. They cannot be separated by the possessors. Man has the brain to fashion the tools. According to archaeologists successive stages of human culture are based on the materials man employed or used to manufacture tools and weapons. The major tools made by and during different ages. These ages are the Stone Age, the copper age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. These ages are not uniform in origin or duration in different parts of the world. For example, when Egypt entered into the Bronze age, Europe was lingering in the Stone age. The Stone Age has been divided into four unequal successive divisions of human culture. These are: Eolithic, Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic.