Various factors account for the immense popularity of the drama:

(1) the people wanted entertainment, and the drama was the only possible source of entertainment for them. The novels were few and could be enjoyed only by the lettered.

(2) The drama was truly national, National themes were dramatized and national sentiments were expressed. It harmonized with the growing nationalism of the age.

(3) It was an age of action as well as of thought and emotions. The whole man – his thoughts, feelings and actions – can be expressed only through the drama. It provides food for the mind as well as for the eyes. The people could get enough of energy action on the stage.


(4) It was the best way for authors in need of money to fill their pockets. The drama satisfied the needs both of the audience and the playwrights.

(5) The Elizabethan is drama was the fusion of various elements, popular, courtly and academic. It had enough of action, thrill and sensation, enough of clown age, supernaturalism, coarse and indecent jokes, music and spectacle, but it had also enough of refinement and courtly grace, resulting from a fusion of the popular tradition and the refined academic drama of the court.

The fusion could takes place as the same plays were staged in the public theatres as well as at the court. The actors and playwright were often the same. So it appealed to the people of most varied atures. It was the character of the audience that decided the character of the Renaissance drama, and made it entirely national. It is entirely different from the drama of France, Italy or other Countries of Europe.