
In general, much importance is not attached to the differences between society and state. At times, these two are used with the same meaning. But, in reality, society is a comprehensive organisation which comprises many organisations/institutions such as state, nation, government etc.

Man is a social animal. He is intimately related to the society. The society cannot be formed without individuals, and personality cannot develop without a society. Aristotle said, “The man who can live outside the society is either a God or a Beast”. It is the basic nature of man to live in a group. Without society, the man cannot achieve his goal. Therefore, society is indispensable for man.

Society has a broad meaning. When a number of people live together and make united efforts to achieve their common goals and objectives, they form a society. Thus, two important features of society are – collective living, and making efforts to achieve common end.


When some people gather together in a rural festival, mela, or in a picnic, they do not form a society. Because these people do not live together and they are not inclined to try to achieve some common goal. In fact, such people do not have any enduring common goal.

A society is not born when some people come together on a temporary basis. In a society, people have enduring relationship which they cannot easily cut off. Sometimes the whole mankind is called a society. According to Edward James, “The peaceful collectivity of mankind is society.”

Sociologists have defined society in different ways. G.D.H. Cole has defined society “as the complex of organised associations and institutions within the community.” According to Howard Baker, “Society is a collection of persons who, in interaction, constitute an ongoing social system.”

MacIver has defined society as the web of social relationship.” Lapier has observed, “Society is the aggregate of organised individuals contributing to the achievement of a pattern of group action.”


Some important features of society are – mutual help, cooperation, temporary disagreements or disputes, communication, toleration, sociability etc. The main goals of society are the material, mental, cultural and moral development of man.