Development is a continuous Process, throughout life. It represents changes in an organism from its origin to its death but more particular the progressive changes which take place from origin to maturity.

Development is a product of maturity and learning. Human development involves changes. Here we shall discuss the various principles of human development with suitable example:-

1. Continuity:

As we know that development is a continuous process. A human beings development can be of various kinds link body development, development in behaviour, interests, needs etc.


It does not stop but exists in whole life. As for examples first of all an infant learn 3 to 5 words only as mother, father, bread, water etc. according to his needs. But this process of development continues till death and he/she earns many new words day by day. His body also develops continuously.

Various organs of his body make development without stopping. As for example an infant knows only weeping after his birth but gradually he learns many ways to perform many works as laughing, seeing, understanding, sitting, standing, walking, running etc.

This process of learning and development continues till death. It means life is the other name of various changes and every person learns something new every day in his whole life.

2. Sequentiality:


Development is sequential or orderly. Every human being follows a sequential pattern in development process. It follows a certain kind of order in development. Development has a relation between organism and environment in a transaction or collaboration.

Individuals work with and affect their environment and in turn the environment works with and affects them. A development pattern has one stage leading to the next. As for example first of all an infant learns small words combined with one or two letters, after it he learns some large words after it sentence.

In other example, an infant first of all develop art of sitting and after it walking and running. We cannot find that a child learns walking first and standing after it. Or a child develop running habit first and after it habit of sitting. It means every human being follows a fixed pattern or sequence in his process of development. This development cannot occur without order.

3. Generality to Specify:


Development moves from general to specific. In every area, human being learns general habits, continuously these habits become specific. For example first of all an infant feels fear from every strange thing and begins to weep to demonstrate fear of all kinds.

Gradually, he/she moves from generality to specificity, he becomes specific in feeling of fear then he does not fear with every strange thing. In other side he/she does not express his/her feeling to fear mere through weeping but instead of it he develops

Many other ways to express his feelings of fear such as crying, turning a hiding or pretending to be not afraid. With other example infant calls e edible thing by the name of generally at starting stage.

Butgradu he begins to call them by their special names like milk, bread, and biscuit each. T every human being makes development according to the principle of general to specificity.


4. Differentially:

Development does not occur at same pace. Individual differ in the rate of growth and development. Each part of the body has own particular rate of growth. The feet hands, nose reach maximum development early in adolescence while the lower part of the face and t shoulders develop more slowly.

As for example many organs of boys and girl are different in their development pace. As we know that every individual differ in their rate of progress regarding abilities, intelligences, skills etc. Rot memory for the abstract. We see that the organs of body of a child develop more speedily than the organs of a matured person. So we can find differential! in the process of development.

Now we can say that human development has some basic principles, every development of human being occurs according to these principles. Teacher should understand these principles so that he/she could facilitate the process of growth and development. Teacher should try to make this development process positive and armful so that students could develop their all over virtues and organs.