In our technological age the sources of noise seem almost infinite. Industrialization and Modernization have contributed towards the noise pollution to a great extent. Radios, TVs, vacuum cleaners, power loom movers and outside air conditioners, the list are endless.

Because of the paper thin walls in most new apartment buildings, today’s apartment dweller is frequently assaulted by the noise from his neighbour’s appliances as well as his own. In some communities, instruction of noise from early industrial areas is a serious problem. But in most of the world’s major metropolitan areas construction and transportation sources, particularly trucks, motorcycle, sports cars, and aircraft (both civil and military) are the most serious offenders.

In matters related to noise pollution, as in air and water pollution problems, economic considerations have generally taken precedence over environment considerations. Furthermore, the machines that make noise frequently benefit certain groups of people while imposing the noise nuisance on another group that does not share in the benefits.