Let us elaborate them.

i) Deductive model explanation:-

We have discussed that facts are explained by laws, laws by higher laws or theories. There is a deductive order as laws are subsumed under higher laws. So within a system a law of lesser generality is deduced from a law on higher order as the latter explains the former.

That means the law to be explained is deducible from the law that explains it. Newton’s law of gravitation is deducible from the theory of relativity and the law of gravitation explains the movement of the planets.


Thus within a system of laws there is a logical order in accordance with the principle of generality! This kind of explanation is possible only in case of most advanced sciences like physics o| chemistry. This type of explanation is considered as most satisfactory.

ii) Probabilistic explanation: –

When an explanation is given on the basis of statistical data, it is called probabilistic explanation. Here the supposed fact is expected on the basis of statistical findings. So there is no strict law from which the fact can be inferred. In les| advanced disciplines like biology, sociology etc. this type of explanation is usually given.

Suppose from case histories it is found that 80% of drug addicts suffer from mental abnormality. If a particular person is a drug addict and has abnormality our explanation is probabilistic for it is not strictly deducible from the law. Because this generalization does not cover all cases, so someone being a drug addict and having no mental abnormality cannot be ruled out.


iii) Functional or teleological explanation:-

In practical life very often this type of explanation is given, so it is also called the primitive explanation. Here a fact is explains by tracing its role or function in the system. For example, if one asks, “how is food digested? Glands in stomach secret juices that help in digesting food. “Why are there living beings on the earth?” Because the ozone sphere is there above the earth to absorb the harmful rays of the sun so that living beings can exist on earth.

These are functional or teleological explanations. Here some purpose is attributed for the occurrence of some events. Purpose is used in the sense of intention as if such things are done intentionally. But no such intention can be known in case of natural events. So such explanations are called functional explanations.

iv) Genetic explanation:-


When some process develops in a way to finally come to a result it is called genetic explanation. Here through a course of development some result comes. That means something passes through different phases to an end.

Achieving inde­pendence is explained as the final outcome of a series of successive events. From mosquito bite starts the incubation and finally results in malarial fever. Here an event is explained as the consequence of a series of developments through some intermediary links.

Though scientific explanations are most trustworthy, there are some ideas which cannot be explained.

That does not mean there can be other explanations. But their very nature makes them unexplainable. No scientific explanation is possible in case of ultimate laws. Facts, events, processes etc. are explained by laws and the laws by higher laws or theories. But when we reach an ultimate law in a system that cannot be explained.


The elementary structures or processes do not admit any explanation. They are the “brute facts” of nature. Our elementary sensations and the peculiarities of individual objects cannot be explained. Where things or some property cannot be linked with anything else, it cannot be brought under scientific explanation.

Scientific explanation thus refers to a process which stands for rational illustration of things. It proceeds from facts of experience to most reasonable explanation of those facts.

It is not only the professional scientists who use it, but anyone interested in a proper explanation can follow its procedures. It has universal applicability. Because of its universal application the scientific method which is at the background of scientific explanation is termed as scientific temper. It helps to promote the spirit of inquiry and rational attitude.