Essential Features of Unit-Plan

1. References:

At the end of the plan, proper references should be given because the student cannot be directed to further study related to the proper unit.

2. The Evaluation:


In the plan the anticipated procedures methods and techniques of evaluation to be used should be indicated well. The evaluation will be objective based.

3. The Teaching Sequence:

It indicates the sequence of the teaching activities and the time relationship of the development of ideas. It is not enough to state the objectives, outline of the content and list of the procedures and materials needed. Since the teaching is going forward on in time-basis the plan should indicate what is to be done first, and the a time-basis the plan should Indicate what is to be done first, and the sequence of the development of the unit. Hence, while planning a unit, the methods and procedures of the study should be scheduled well in advance.

4. Methods and Procedures:


Methods and Procedures the vehicles for child’s experiences. If the king and quality of child’s experiences are carefully studied and planned in a systematic way in advance the results will probably be for better so the teacher should select and employ method and procedures very carefully.

5. The Material Needed:

It is essential feature of unit planning. The material needed includes the reading materials laboratory apparatus, films slides, chemicals and other related material. The teacher examines the material and select for his own use. In general sense the materials the resources needed.

6. The content of the Unit:


It should indicate clearly that what content is to be included in the unit? The needed detail varies with the teacher and with the situation. In general, the beginning teacher will need to anticipate in greater details than the experienced teacher. Thus the plan includes additional sources that will prove not only facts, principles, generalizations and applications but also skills, habits and attitudes clearly.

7. Objectives of the Unit:

A clear cut statement of the objective of a unit- plan should be formulated at the outset. The statement should be recorded as an essential part of his plan, it will give direction to the choice of experiences proposed later on. In a unit plan, a general objectives might be, “The pupils understand the properties of liquid” and develop the ability to apply the properties of liquids of different situations.” etc.