The broad-based objectives of Non-formal Education may be enumerated as under:

1. To enable the maximum number of non-school going children of 9-14 age group to join the non-formal stream so that we may help in achieving constitutional directive.

2. To enable the learners to learn basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic so as to make them self-reliant in day to day life.

3. To develop general awareness about the socio-politico- economic problems of local, state and national importance so as to seek their solutions.


4. To enrich knowledge/experiences in the vocations/ professions in which the clientele is involved by utilizing local and outside resources.

5. To develop basic skill to handle/repair modern ordinary gadgets with which the learners are familiar and have access to.

6. To develop desirable personal and social habits as well as healthy attitudes towards our cherished national ideals and values.

Salient Features of Non-Formal Education (NFE)


The salient features of Non-formal Education may be stated as under:

1. Relevance.

The content of Non-formal Education programme must be need-based and relevant to the age-group concerned. There will not be a uniform content for all but it will differ as per time, climate, culture and ecological conditions etc.

2. Flexibility.


Opposed to formal system which is too rigid, the NFE programme will be flexible as regards time, place, duration, attendance, syllabi, methods and evaluation etc.

3. Practicability.

The programme of Non-formal Education will not be theoretical alone but will be translated into practice. It will be a functional programme.

4. Own time Education for Shortened Duration.


Unlike formal system, Non-formal Education will be provided for nearly two hours and the timings are to be adjusted according to the convenience of the clientele.

5. Delinking with Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates.

Those joining Non-formal Education would not care for degrees, diplomas and certificates. Moreover, no condition of pass and fail would be attached.

Dimensions of Non-Formal Education (NFE)


In view of the objectives and characteristics mentioned above, the dimensions of Non-formal Education may be prescribed as under:

1. Healthy living.

2. Acquaintance with ecological conditions.

3. Socialization and confrontation with socio-politico economic problems.


4. Vocational skills.

5. Manipulative skills (3 R’s).