Ethics deals with the values, especially moral values, and the problem of good and evil. When ethics is applied to a particular field or profession, it draws a value oriented criteria around the concerned professionals to enhance the creativity and to decide the objectivity for that profession.

These value oriented criterions are presented in formal code of ethics, and, expressed in the lives of practitioners. In the field of physical education professional ethics instructs to the professionals the tektites of personnel health, fair play, etc. on the basis of moral reasoning and moral values.

Need of Professional Ethics

These values and codes may not be systematically taught across professional preparation programmes or even incorporated into professional codes of ethics, they can be found throughout the professional literature. Rather, everything one does as a part of one’s teacher preparation programme has an impact on one’s career as a teacher. A teacher’s field experience and college courses lead to recommendation for employment. Hence one needs to follow the ethics to help one become more professional.


Goal of Professional Ethics:

Practitioners in the fields of health, physical education and recreation routinely take actions that require moral reasoning. Instruction about personal health, fair play, etc., calls upon moral reasoning and the articulation of values.

The answers that professionals offer demonstrate both individual character and collective values of their profession. These values can assert a verifying orientation to a collective group of specialized fields of practice.

Importance of Professional Ethics:


Teaching well in ethics asks that the teachers have good character, are familiar with ethical concepts and have an interest in moral reflection. Working to assure this goal, there needs to be attention given to moral philosophy with professional preparation and service education. It is the ethics of these practitioners that serve as a common foundation for professional practice.

Elements of Professional Ethics:

Following are the elements of professional ethics which help one in acquiring true professionalism in the field of physical education.

1. Punctuality and Regularity:


To become a professional in the field of physical education requires from the aspirants to be punctual and regular in his routine. One should be in one’s seat early enough to allow oneself the time for preparation. Being late means non-committed students and setting a bad example.

2. Creating a Pleasant Environment:

Smiles and cheerful demeanor are notice by teachers and children. School should be pleasant places for everyone.

3. Following Professional Dress Code:


Dress as per the job remembering that appearances do count in the example one sets for children. For teaching physical education it is appropriate to wear warm-up shorts or Dockers.

4 Being and Making Responsible:

During student teaching, it is natural for a teacher to spare more time observing and waiting when one entices a classroom. But one should not wait for one’s mentor teacher to tell one what to do. Ask for responsibility early since it shows one’s initiative and enthusiasm.

5. Having a Good Character to be followed:


Teaching is unavoidably tied to values and students learn about values from their teachers. The virtues to be taught are many and remade us that ethics are ethics it does not matter if it’s a baseball game, or a nature hike. Hence instructors who have been educated to think about their professional responsibilities can have profound impact on the moral character of those around them.

6. Providing a sense of Individuality to the Students:

One should express interest and concern for each child in each classroom avoiding favouritism. One must try and learn the names of each student as to bond with each of them.

7. Developing Posture Relationships with Children:


Remember to be a teacher and not a peer of the children. Yet, one should be friendly and accepting. One should get to know children as individuals and there would enhance one’s classroom management interactions.

8. Keeping Oneself away from Gossips:

While it is natural that others will be curious about one’s experiences in field, one should be sure to be professional as one shares those experiences. Try not to use names of teachers or to gossips about what goes on in the school on teachers.

One is usually exposed to confidential information about children one is working with. In order to protect students, school or the relationship the University has with school, keep confidential information confidential.