1. Educational Guidance:

Educational guidance is concerned with the assistance given to students in their choice and adjustment with relation to school, curriculum courses and school life.

2. Vocational Guidance:

Vocational guidance is a process of assisting the individual to choose an occupation, prepare them for or enter upon and progress in it.


3. Personal Guidance:

Personal guidance is an assistance given to student to solve their emotional problem and to help them to control their emotions and feelings. Procedure for Educational and Vocational Guidance:

The following procedures are generally adopted for educational and vocational guidance:

(1) In providing educational and vocational guidance several orientation talks are organised for choosing a right type of education and vocation.


(2) Students are encouraged to participate in groups in academic, vocational and recreational activities in order to know their interest, ability and aptitude.

(3) Psychological tests are administered in order to know their personality and abilities.

(4) In order to provide educational and vocational guidance school examination results are also taken into consideration.

(5) Teacher’s assessment about individual’s ability and other characteristics are also considered.


(6) Parents’ opinion about their wards are also taken into consideration.

(7) Occupational-oriented talk and visits are also one of the steps for educational and vocational guidance.

(8) Interviews are also conducted in order to know the educational and vocational plans of the individual.