(1) The thalamus acts as a relay station of all sensory pathways except the olfactory senses, before being transmitted to the cerebral cortex. Here the sensory information is processed and integrated with the activities of the forebrain.

(2) The thalamus is concerned with the conscious interpretation of crude touch, pain and temperature. The final discrimination of sensations however takes place in the sensory cortex.

(3) The thalamus has a significant role in the ascending reticular activating system for arousal or alertness. This is mainly mediated by the nonspecific nuclei.

(4) The interconnections of the thalamus with the limbic system, hypothalamus and prefrontal cortex are important for appreciating the emotional content of sensations.


(5) The thalamic neurons modulate the synchronization and desynchronization of the brain waves.

(6) The thalamus regulates the activities of the motor pathways by linking the cerebellum and globus pallidus with the motor cortex through the VA and VL nuclei of the thalamus.