Forms control implies a proper designing, printing, economical use and supply of forms so that office work may be efficiently and effectively performed. The following steps may be suggested a proper forms control:

1. Establishment of Centralized Authority

The first step in forms control is to set up a centralized authority for it. In big organisations, forms Control Department may be set up and headed by a Forms Control Supervisor. Alternatively, a committee of individuals possessing adequate knowledge of forms may be constituted. The important functions of Forms Control Department or Committee are:

1. Introduction of new forms


2. Modification of existing forms

3. Elimination of unnecessary forms

4. Combination of two or more forms

5. Deciding and contents of forms


6. Designing and production of forms

7. Storing and issue of forms.

2. Preparation of Forms Register

The centralized forms control authority should collect at least two copies of each and every office form in use and paste them into a Forms Register or Forms Book. A separate list or index of all the forms in the Forms Book should also be made.


3. Listing of Office Routine

The designing and use of forms are closely linked with office procedure and routine. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a list of all office procedures which may need the use of forms. The relevant forms may be then be classified, marked and numbered according to the procedure or department using them.

4. Analysis of Forms

All forms should be analyzed periodically to determine whether any of them can be eliminated, combined with other forms or improved. At this stage, requisitions for new forms or redesigning of existing forms, along with suggestions, may also be obtained from departments.


After this, the Form Control Supervisor determines the elimination of unnecessary forms or consolidation of forms or modification of forms or introduction of forms.

5. Design and Production

Since office forms are the basic tools of all office work, they should be so designed that they result in economy and efficiency of operations. After designing, the decision shall be taken regarding the number of copies of each form which can be produced economically.

The Forms Control Supervisor will determine the method of reproduction of forms with the help of a duplicator or to get it printed from outside agency.


6. Disposal of Obsolete Forms

Before disposing of any form, the head of the department using such form should be asked to give in writing that the form is ‘dead’. Then the form should be submitted to the office manager, who will also recommend and sign with date.

Thus, the form no longer required, should be disposed of. After obtaining proper approval of the officer concerned, the approval will be pasted on the form, in the Form Book, marked as ‘dead’, if possible along with date.