It is very difficult to sharply distinguish the differences between the living from the non-living. However, certain points as tabulated below will show the general differences between the two:

Living Organism:

(i) Protoplasm:

The body of the living organism contains protoplasm.

(ii) Cellular structure of organization.


The structural and functional unit of living organism is called the cell. Living organism show a cellular organization of their bodies. The ccells are well organized in form and size, both externally and internally.

(iii) Metabolism:

Living organisms carry on the intricate group of physiological processes on life activities. Metabolism includes both the constructive (anabolism) and destructive (catabolism) processes. Metabolic changes are characteristics sign of life.

(iv) Growth:


Living organism are capable of growth from within. Growth is by the process of intussusceptions i.e., by addition of new materials formed during metabolism.

(v) Movement:

Living organisms are endowed with the power of movement which may be

(a) Spontaneous (automatic) or induced (irritability).


(b) Irritability i.e., response to external stimuli is more prounced in animals than in plants.

(vi) Reproduction:

Living organisms are capable of reproduction. They give rise to new individuals resembling themselves.

(vii) Life-cycle:


A living organism has a limited duration of life comprising numerous phases such as birth, growth, reproduction, old age and death.

Non-living Objects:

(i) Protoplasm:

Protoplasm is absent in the body of the non-living objects.

(ii) Cellular structure of organization.


The non-living objects do not exhibit a cellular construction. They are only made of a mass of particles of one or different types.

(iii) Metabolism:

The non-living objects cannot exhibit such physiological processes, which are characteristic features of living bodies.

(iv) Growth:


Growth in non-living objects can take place only by accretion i.e., deposition of materials from outside. Growth from within is absent.

(v) Movement:

The non-living objects cannot move of their own accord. Spontaneous movement is never exhibited by non-living objects. A vechicle moves but its movement is different from that exhibited by a living organism. The non-living objects do not posses the property of irritability.

(vi) Reproduction:

A non-living object is absolutely incapable of reproducing its own kind. However, it may breakdown into numerous irregular pieces.

(vii) Life-cycle:

No definite life-cycle is seen in non-living objects.