“A good leader leads the group with the flag in his hand. He does not have to shout”

Management Thoughts When any administrative decision is taken in the enterprise, it must be converted into action. For converting a decision into action, there is need for direction.

Direction is a managerial function performed by all managers of different levels of management.



Koontz and O’Donnell: “Directing is the inter personel aspect of managing by which subordinates are led to understand and contribute effectively and efficiently to the attainment of enterprise objectives.”


Directing or Direction is the managerial function of instructing, guiding, supervising and leading the people in the organisation towards the accomplishment of the oraganisational goals.

Nature and characteristics of Direction


Directing is one of the important function of management. It consists of elements such as issuing orders, continuous training activities, motivation of subordinates, maintaining discipline and rewarding those who perform properly. The following are some of the important characteristics of directing :

1. Directing is one of the important functions of management

2. It is concerned with the direction of human efforts towards the

enterprise objectives.


3. It helps in achieving co-ordination among the various operations of the enterprise; co-ordination is a necessary by-product of good directing.

4. It is a pervasive function. It must be performed by eveiy manager at different levels of the organisation.

5. It is a continuing function. A manager continuously directs and supervises the execution of his order and instruction by the subordinates.

6. It motivates, commands, communicates, supervises the staff and controls the organisation.


7. It also provides the necessary leadership in the business.

8. It facilitates in securing co-operation of the employees for attaining the objectives of the organisation.

Elements of Direction

Direction has certain elements. The important elements of direction



1. Issuing of order and instruction

The first element of direction is the issuing of orders and instructions by the superiors to the subordinates for getting the work done in the desired manner.

2. Guiding the subordinates


Another important element of direction is guiding the subordinates. The subordinates have to be guided to the proper method of work.

3. Supervision

Supervision is an important component of direction. Supervision implies overseeing the work of subordinates to ensure that the performance of the subordinates conforms to plans and contributes to the attainment of the organisational goal.

4. Leadership

Leadership influences the work of subordinates. Appropriate and inspiring leadership alone can influence the subordinates to better their performances.

5. Motivation

Motivation creates in men, the willingness to work whole-heartedly for attaining objectives.

6. Maintenance of discipline

Discipline is an important element of direction. Proper discipline has to be maintained in the organisation for the orderly behaviour of the employees.

7. Communication

Communication is the core of direction. It is through the communication net-work that a manager instructs his subordinates as to what they should do and how they should do it.

8. Co-ordination

Direction implies co-ordination, so co-ordination is one of the important elements of direction.