Coordination provides the following benefits:

1. Higher Efficiency and Economy:

Coordination helps to improve the efficiency of operations by avoiding overlapping efforts and duplication of work. Integration and balancing of individual efforts provide a smooth and harmonious team work. Coordination is a creative force which makes possible a total result which is greater than the sum of individual achievements. This is the synergetic effect coordination. Coordination enables an organisation to rake optimum use of its resources.

The success of organized Endeavour depends upon the quality of coordination. In fact, coordination is the first principle of organisa­tion as it expresses the principle of organisation in to. The quality of coordination is the crucial factor in the survival of an organisation.

2. Good Human Relations:

Besides promoting the efficiency of operations, coordination improves the morale and job satisfaction of employees. Composite and orderly effort established through team spirit and executive leadership enables employees to derive a sense of security and personal contentment from their job. A well-coordinated organisa­tion can attract, retain and utilize better personnel. Coordination improves human relations by reconciling individual and organizational objectives.

3. Unity of direction:

Coordination helps to ensure unity of action in the face of disruptive forces. By welding together different departments and sections into one entity, coordination ensures the stability and growth of an organisation. It enables the executives to see the enterprise as a whole instead of narrow sectional goals. Individual interests are sub­ordinated to the common interest more easily and effectively.

4. Quintessence of management:


Coordination is an all inclusive concepts or the end result of the management process. Management is noth­ing more than coordination of all activities, efforts and forces that affect the organisation from within and without. Coordination serves as a key to all managerial functions. According to Mary Parker Follett, “the first test of a business administration should be whether you have a business with all its parts so coordinated, so moving together in their closely knit and adjusting activities, so linking, inter-locking, inter-relating, that they make a working unit that is not a congenis of separate pieces, but a functional whole or integrated unit”.

5. Organizational Effectiveness:

Coordination fosters loyalty and commitment among employees. This enhances the effectiveness and stability of the organisation. According to McFarland, “if job satisfac­tions are present, executives will tend to remain longer with the com­pany. They will feel that they have a place in the organisation. They will feel that they have earned that place. The presence of coordination becomes part of their job experience and hence can form a very useful part of their training.” Thus, coordination is the sine qua non of effective management.