(a) Listening attentively

While meeting objections, the salesman should listen to the prospect attentively. He should not interrupt the prospect. Such patience proves to be of great help. The prospect’ this enthusiasm to raise further objections is lost.

(b) Cushioning the jolt

The cushion technique makes the shock of the objection lighter. A third party is placed between the client’s objections and salesman’s views, the cushion is neutral judge.


(c) Anticipating objection

Under this procedure, the salesman anticipates the objections and answers them before the client raise it. The salesman can cover all possible objections to be raised by the prospect and their possible answers during his sales talk. As such the prospect’s objections are killed before they are born.

(d) Preventing objections

The salesman should be very cautious in sales talk. He must surrender his ego. The salesman should also prevent hurting egos of client. All objections should be met in a tactful and inoffensive manner so that the prospect’s sentiments are not hurt.