The method of reproduction in which new plants are formed from parts of the parent plant like roots, stem or leaves without involving the reproduction organs (flower) is called vegetative reproduction. This type of reproduction occurs only in plants.

In sweet potato, root cuttings can be planted in the soil. Each cutting grows into a new plant (Fig. 6). In dahlia and asparagus, swollen roots are found in a cluster at the base of the stem. When these roots are separated, each root can give rise to a new plant.

In potato, ginger, mint, grasses, onion and many decorative plants, new plants are produced from the stem of the parent plant. If a potato is cut into pieces, taking care that each part has an eye, and planted in soil, a new plant will emerge from every eye. Similarly new plants are produced from bulbs (stems) of onion, lily and tulips. A small branch of the mint plant grows into a new plant.

New plants can also be obtained from leaves of certain plants. In sprout-leaf plant and bryophyllum buds are present in notches in the leaf margin. The buds give rise to tiny plants which detach from the parent plant. In begonia, buds are produced on the surface of the leaf . The buds give rise to small plants which when separated form new plants.