Biologists study the structure, functioning, behaviour and interrelationship of various types of living beings from viruses, bacteria to man, including all varieties of plants and animals. Broadly, the science of biology is divided into three main divisions:

1. Microbiology – the study of microscopic organisms-

(i) Virology – Study of viruses.

(ii) Bacteriology – Study of bacteria.


2. Botany – the study of plants.

3. Zoology -the study of animals.

Due to enormous knowledge and wide specialization in biology, various fields of study have been established. These include: –

1. Taxonomy – the science of identifying naming and classifying organisms.


2. Morphology – the science of studying shape, size, colour and external structure.

3. Morphology – the study of internal structure as revealed by dissections, observed by unaided eye.

4. Histology – the study of tissue structural with the help of microscope.

5. Cytology or Cell-biology – the study of structure, function, reproduction and life-cycle of cells.


6. Molecular Biology – the study of physiochemical organization of biological microscope molecules composing living organisms i.e., structure and synthesis of nucleic acid protein and enzymes etc.

7. Biochemistry -the study of chemistry animal and plant bodies.

8. Physiology – the study of process and functions associated with life.

9. Embryology or Developmental Biology – the study of embryonic development.


10. Ecology – the study of relationship between the organisms with their living and non-living environment.

11. Genetics – the science of inheritance of characters. Presently, genetic principles are being applied to produce better crops and better animal varieties.

(i) Improvement of Crops – Use of knowledge of genetics for the improvement of food crops to produce high yielding varieties.

(ii) Improvement of Domestic Animals – to obtain improved and high yielding varieties of domestic animals like cow, sheep, buffalo.


12. Eugenics – the science of improvement of human race by applying principles of Genetics.

13. Euthenics – the science of improvement of human race by providing better conditions of life.

14. Euthenics – the science of improvement of human race by altering the proteins synthesized in the body at the level of protein synthesis by introducing new genes in the gene type.

15. Evolution – Study of origin of new species by universalisation of older ones due to changes in genetic makeup in response to adaptations to environment.


16. Pale biology or Paleontology – Study of fossils of plants and animals that existed in past.

(i) Pale botany – Study of plant-fossils.

(ii) Palaeozoology- Study of fossil-animals.

17. Exobiology- Study of life in space.

18. Aerobiology – Study of flying animals.

19. Limnology – Study of life in still water bodies.

20. Microbiology – Study of effects of radiations upon plants and animals.

21. Radiobiology – Study of parasitic animals and plants.

22. Parasitological – Study of parasitic animals and plants.

23. Cybernetics – Science of neurobiology and endocrinology.

24. Biogeography – Study Science of plants and animals on earth.

25. Pathology – Study of causes, nature and symptoms of disease.

26. Toxicology – Study of toxic compounds for animals and plants.

27. Immunology- Study of animals body defense.

28. Enzymologist – Study of enzymes.

29. Endocrinology – Study of hormones and their actions.

30. Ethnology- Study of animal behaviour and habits.

31. Zoogeography – Study of geographical distribution of animals on earth.

32. Tautology- Study of acquired characters of animals and plants.

33. Tautology- Study of structural organization of body.

34. Tautology – Study of animal and plant activities on the basis of principles of Physics.

35. Psychobiology- Study of animal psychology.