Biology provides the greatest scope in every human enterprise.

1. Medicine and Public Health:

Many medicines are obtained from plants e.g. quinine from cinchona, nuxvomica from strychnos nuxvomica, penicillin from a fungus, Pencillium. Vaccines for poliomyelitis, mumps, hepatitis, rabies, measeles are developed in animali body. Antivenom is prepared from animal serum. These biomedicines save thousands of human life. The stem cells are undifferentiated embryonic cells which can give rise to a number of other types of cells. These cells have greatest potentialities for transplantation of damaged tissue or organs in person suffering from neurodegerative diseases like Parkinson disease, epilepsy And Alzhymers disease. (Loss of memory)

2. Food production:


Biology is connected with our basic requirement of food(cereal, pulses, vegitable fruits), clothing, fuel, timber and animal products such as proteinaceous food from prawns, fish, eggs, milk and meat.

3. Industrial production:

Plants and plant products provide raw materials for agrobased and forest based industries. From animals we get leathers, horn, shells, pearls, corals, ivory, hoey, wax, lac and silk.

4. Agricultural and horticultural production:


We get food (fruits), flowers, vitamins, hormones and biochemicals from the plants. Animal wastes-Cow dung, urine, bones, vermicompost (earthworm excreta) are used as bio fertilizer for more food production. Besides this world food production primarily depends on pollination of insects.

5. In Various fields:

Biology provides scope in different branches such as Agronomy, Animal husbandry, Agriculture, Aquaculture, Floriculture, Forestry, horticulture ,Olericulture, Medical science, diary science, Poultry, Pisciculture, Seri culture, lac culture, apiculture, Biotechnology, Gene therapy and physiotherapy.