
1. A group of organs that works together to help the body function makes up a system. Each system in the body has its own specific function.

2. The skeletal system protects the vital organs inside our body like the brain, the heart and the lungs. The skeleton supports our body and gives it shape.

3. Muscles are the part of our body that allow us to move. Muscle actions can be voluntary or involuntary


4. The digestive system breaks down this food into smaller parts that can be easily absorbed by the body.

5. It consists of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, liver, large intestine, rectum and the anus.

6. The system consisting of the heart and blood vessels that-makes the circulation of blood possible is called the circulatory system.

7. We breathe in the oxygen from the air and breathe out carbon dioxide. This process is called respiration. The respiratory system is the system of the body that deals with breathing


8. Nerves, a part of the nervous system, transmit information from one part of the body to another and to the brain.

9. The system that collects the liquid wastes and helps the body to get rid of them is called the urinary or excretory system.