All the member states are represented on the General Assembly. It consists of not more than five representatives from each member states. Each state has only one vote. In the Assembly all the member states, however big or small, meet on the terms of equality. This is perhaps the only effective way in which the principle of sovereign equality of all the member states is observed.

The Assembly meets for its annual session in September. Special sessions may also be convened at the request of the Security Council or a majority of the member states. It elects its President for each session. All decisions on important questions are taken by a 2/3rd majority of those present and voting but decisions regarding less important questions may be taken by a simple majority of votes.

The Assembly elects 10 non-permanent members of the Security Council for two years term, 18 members of the Economic and Social Council and some members of the Trusteeship Council. A Secretary General is also elected by it on recommendations of the Security Council. It elects along with the Security Council the Judges of the International Court of Justice.

The admission of new members of the U.N.O. and their suspension and dismissal are all done by the Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council. It is world Parliament wherein every nation can have its say. It is the deliberative body of the Organization.


Apart from the duties discussed above, it performs the following functions:


(a) To promote international co-operation in economic, social, cultural, educational and medical fields.

(b) To assist in the realization of fundamental human rights for all without distinction of race, sex, language or religion.

(c) To promote the development and codification of international law.


(d) To promote higher standard of living.

(e) To recommend measures for peaceful adjustment of any situ­ation, likely to impair friendly relation amongst various states.