The problems of consumerism and lifestyle in a market economy have long been neglected. The price of consumerism is a core problem in sustainable development, because it concerns the consumption of natural resources converted into products and due to non-biodegradability of waste. In a market economy, consumerism is based merely on the assumption that the market will grow as consumption increases. Consideration of the meaning, value and impact on environment of consumerism, however, is not possible in terms of the market economy. It is only from the perspectives of political and ecological economy that the problems of consumerism will surface. If the practice of consumerism remains unchanged, economic globalization will simply cause the ecological environment to deteriorate further. High levels of consumption are certainly the first and foremost killers of our natural habitat.

Humanity’s concept of well-being derives from the urge to fulfill desires that are to a considerable extent, determined by the values of society as a whole. In a market-oriented economy, such desires are generated by forces that push the expansion of market leaving little space to reflect upon other desires. People’s confidence in consumerism becomes an important factor in economic expansion. If we wish to transform society by simply changing degree of consumption but not people’s desire for gratification, talk of sustainable development will remain empty talk. Why can we not slow down and ask ourselves whether present day styles of consumption are really what we want?

Because we are being indoctrinated to chasing higher and higher levels of consumption, facing the problems of consumerism is far more difficult than we can imagine. Shouldn’t we seriously consider a simpler lifestyle? Are we not being brainwashed and misled to believe that economies must grow relentlessly? Does the concept of economic recession not imply some specific, subjective value and a materialistic mode of consumption? Do we have no choice? These are some of the questions connected with ‘life-style’.