From the above discussion, one can understand that office is a service as well as an administrative unit, and it assists all departments of an organization in achieving their objectives.

Thus, the ability of profit making of an organization is contributed by an office. But no tangible goods have been created by an office, it is true. However, an office plays a positive role, in the absence of which, the production or distribution would not have taken place.

The office work is facilitating in nature. Office is a service as well as administrative unit, helping all the departments of an organization. It is not easy to measure the office work as a work in a factory. This is because office work is mainly a brain work. And it is difficult to standardize the office work.

The office work is not confined to a particular area as production or marketing function. Every department is dependent on the office for information and other services. It is true that an office does not produce tangible products and therefore there is no direct contribution in the earning of profits.


Modern office provides so many supportive services to the other departments in the organization without which they cannot function efficiently. Thus, it can be said that office is an important instrument in achieving the objectives of any business concern. Henry remarked,” the office has come to be recognized as a production unit whose efficiency is relatively as important as that of the manufacturing divisions.”

Every order represents a margin of profit. When the order is handled by the office, a part of the profit is reduced. At the same time, if the order is not handled properly and efficiently, there may be no profit at all. At the same time, some people say that the paper work is unnecessary and therefore, it should be eliminated for keeping the profit intact.

This view is wrong. But it is very difficult to conduct the business without the very help of office as it provides supporting services and administrative functions. Moreover, human memory has its own shortcomings. Many transactions cannot be memorized for a long time.

Because of the complexities in business, it is not possible to run a business without an office. A well organized office can materialize the policies and plan to achieve more efficiency, in modern business conditions. The office facilitates:


1. To work according to plan anticipated.

2. To help in the performance of various functions.

3. To translate the policies into action.

4. To co-ordinate the works of all departments of a firm.


5. To have ready reference of all matters.

Thus, it has rightly been described as the hub or nerve centre of the entire organization.