(1) Cotton:

Epidermal hair from seed surface of Gossypium arboreum, G. herbaceum, G. hirsutum and other species. Epidermal hair present on the seed surface is of two types, extractable lint and nonextractablc fluffy/frizzed fuzz. Long stapled (narma) and short stapled (desi cotton). Fibres are made up of cellulose only. They are ideal for textiles, celluloid, cellophane, rayon and paper pulp. Cotton is a widely cultivated kharif crop. India produces 10% of the world output, maximum in Punjab state.

(2) Jute:

Bast fibres or phloem fibres from stems of Corchorus capsalaris and C. olitorius. Mostly cultivated in W. Bengal.


(3) Hemp:

Stemlbast fibres from Cannabis sativa.

(4) Flax:

Stem/bast fibres from Lilium usitatissimum. Oil from seeds.


(5) Sunn Hemp:

Stemlbast fibres from Crotorlaria juncea.

(6) Coir:

Mesocrap (of pericarp) from fruit of Cocos nucifera (coconut).


(7) Rosella:

Stem/bast fibres from Hibiscus sabdarifa. Other fibres include Agave/Sisal fibres (leaves of Agave sislana) and Abaca/Manila hemp, (leaf stalks of Musa textiles).

(8) Munj:

Lower portion of stem, is used for making chairs, tables, baskets and upper portion of stems and leaves, of Saccharam munja are used for cordage, baskets etc.