1. Plants suitable for bio monitoring of sulphur dioxide, pollution are:

A. White pine, moss and lichens

B. Tobacco, grapes and garden bean

C. Apricot, peach and gladiolas


D. Tomato and lettuce

2. Which of the following survive by forming spores?

A. Escherichia coli

B. Rhizobium


C. Clostridium

D. Salmonella

3. Deinococcus and Deinobacter are radiation resistant bacteria because:

A. They have effective repair mechanism for damaged DNA and have high concentration of carotenoids


B. They do not absorb radiations

C. They have RNA instead of DNA

D. They grow in ice

4. The orchid seeds do not germinate under ordinary conditions because:


A. Orchid seeds are too large for dispersal

B. Orchid seeds do not have endosperm

C. Orchid seeds undergo a dormancy period

D. They germinate under very dry conditions


5. Which of the following is for rhizosphere?

A. Region where soil and roots make contact

B. Apical part of root

C. Epidermal part of the root


D. Root hairs

8. Assertion (A): Copper – T is used as a contraceptive.

Reason (R): Copper of Copper – T disrupts production of some reproductive hormone.

A. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A)

B. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not correct explanation of (A)

C. (A) is true but (R) is false

D. (A) is false but (R) is true

9. Asbestos use is banned in many countries. It is known to cause

A. Cardiac diseases

B. Urinary diseases

C. Lung cancer

D. Cataract

10. Which of the following is used as a carrier for the Rhizobium biofertilization?

A. Peat bog

B. Salt

C. Sand

D. Cow dung

11. The flow in natural streams is almost always turbulent and may be assumed to be incompressible, consequently the applicable equations of motion for the fluid are the:

A. Bed-load equation

B. Reynolds equation

C. Lane’s model

D. Lacey’s equation

12. Suspended sediment load is that part of the sediment load which is transported within the main body flow. The primary mechanism of maintaining the sediment particles in suspension is:

A. Channel flow

B. Particle size

C. Turbulent diffusion

D. Dissolved gasses

13. A highly vesicular material derived from acidic lavas and produced in very large quantities is known as:

A. Scoriae

B. Volcanic bomb

C. Pumice

D. Tuff

15. At the present time volcanoes are confined to certain limited areas of the Earth’s surface. This special zone is called:

A Trans-Atlantic volcanic zone

B. Circum-Pacific Ring of fire

C. Central-Asian inter-continental zone

D. Indian-Ocean volcanic belt

16. When the cavities between the mineral grains in a rock contains fluid, it is called

A. Permeable rock

C. Cavernous rock

B. Porous rock

D. Fractured rock

17. Temperature in the troposphere:

A. Decreases with height

B. Rapidly increases with height

C. Slowly increases with height

D. Remains constant

18. Failure to explain the black body radiation emission spectrum in the ultraviolet region (ultraviolet catastrophe) has occurred in:

A. Plancks radiation law

B. Rayleigh Jeans’s law

C. Wiens Displacement law

D. Stephans Boltzmann law

22. The effect of low level non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation effects on biological systems can be classified in the following category:

A. Instantaneous

B. Delayed

C. Not at all

D. Prolonged

23. Which of the following is a recalcitrant?

A Sugarcane waste


C. Lignin

D. Cellulose

24. A small reduction in ozone concentration can lead to a large increase in the amount of harmful ultraviolet radiations reaching the earth in the wavelength region:

A. 200 – 205 nm

B. 220 – 225 nm

C. 260 – 265 nm

D. 295 – 300 nm

25. The planet nearest to the Sun is:

A. Earth

B. Mercury

C. Moon

D. Jupiter

26. Steel units generate which of the following air pollutants:

A. Particulates, smoke, carbon monoxide, fluoride

B. SO2 acid mist

C. NOx, S02, particulates

D. SO2 NOx, particulates, smoke

27. In a soil profile, O2 concentration:

A. Increases vertically from top to bottom

B. Increases horizontally but not vertically

C. Decreases vertically from top to bottom

D. Both vertically and horizontally increases randomly

28. Mobile phone frequencies are in the range of:

A. 1 kHz – 100 kHz

B. 100 kHz – 100 MHz

C. 100 MHz – 700 MHz

D. 800 MHz – 2200 MHz

29. Elements in sea water present in order of increasing residence time:

A. Na > CI > Mg > Ca > K > Fe > P

B. CI > Na > Mg > Ca > K > P > Fe

C. CI > Mg > Ca > Na > K > Fe > P

D. Mg > Ca > CI > Na > K > P > Fe

30. Assertion (A): Aerosols heave potential for modifying the climate.

Reason (R): Aerosols interact with both short wave and infra-red radiation.

A. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

B. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

C. (A) is true but (R) is false

D. (A) is false but (R) is true

31. Out of the following which is not a green­house gas:

A. CH4

B. C02

C. N2O

D. S02

32. Ozone “hole” in the stratosphere was discovered over the continent of:

A. North America

B. Australia

C. Antarctica

D. Greenland

33. Which of the following layers of Earth have the composition of peridotite?

A. Upper Mantle

B. Inner Core

C. Outer Core

D. Continental Crust

34. Sedimentary component which is produced in- situ within the pore spaces is called:

A. Primary

B. Authigenic

C. Allogenic

D. Organic

36. Which of these remote sensing tools is commonly used for groundwater exploration and soil moisture determinations:

A. Colour composite imageries

B. Band 5 spectra

C. Infra Red spectra

D. Black and white Aerial photos

37. The atmosphere is divided in four layers. The layer in contact with the surface of the Earth is called:

A. Stratosphere

B. Troposphere

C. Mesosphere

D. Ionosphere

39. The solubility of Fe in water:

A. Increases with increasing pH

B. Decreases with increasing pH

C. Independent of pH

D. Dependent only on redox potential and not pH

40. A cube of ice with radius of 100 mm is formed at 3° C. When ice melts, the final volume will be:

A. 1000 cm3

B. 1250 cm3

C. 1000 mm3

D. 1750 mm3

41. Which of the following phenomena can be explained by the wave model of light, but not by the particle model?

A. Pressure is exerted by a light beam

B. All of the energy emitted by an atom, as light can later be completely transferred to another atom

C. A light beam changes direction when passing from one medium to another

D. Light can reach the geometrical shadow of an obstacle in its path

42. 2 ppm of CO at 25°C and 760 mm of Hg pressure is equivalent to

A 1250 pg/m3

B. 1145 pg/m3

C. 2500 pg/m3

D. 2290 pg/m3

43. Which waves carry most energy?

A. UV light

B. Infra-red light

C. Microwaves

D. Millimeter waves

44. If one wish to measure total As, As+3 and As+5 in a sample the most suitable analytical tool is:

A. Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer

B. Ion chromatograph

C. Scanning Electron Microscope

D. Gas chromatograph

45. The acid rains result from chemical transformation and transport of:

A Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide

B. Phosphorus pentaoxide and sulfur compound

C. Chlorine gas and nitrous oxide

D. Iron oxide and copper nitrate

46. Any particulate matter, gas, or combination thereof other than water vapour is called:

A. Air curtain

B. Air emission

C. Air monitoring

D. Air contaminant

47. The chemical system for removal of the ions of salt is called:

A. Ion transfer

B. Ionization

C. Ion exchange

D. Ion vaporization

48. At ordinary temperatures, the molecules of a diatomic gas have only translational and rotational kinetic energies. At high temperatures, they may have vibration energy. As a result of this, compared to lower temperatures, a diatomic gas at higher temperatures will have:

A. Lower molar heat capacity

B. Higher molar heat capacity

C. Lower isothermal compressibility

D. Higher isothermal compressibility

49. In the periodic table of elements:

A. Non-metallic property increases vertically

B. Metallic property increases from right to left

C. Non-metallic property increases from right to left

D. Metallic property increases left to right and from top to bottom

50. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) which cause environmental exposure risk have these important properties:

A. Very high volatility in air

B. Chemically unstable and highly reactive

C. Heat stable and have no flash or fire point

D. Highly soluble in water and poorly soluble in oils and organic solvents