112 Questions on Zoology Part-3 – Answered

201. What is residual volume of gases?

The volume of air that remains in the lungs after the most powerful expiration is called residual volume.

202. Define O2 dissociation curve?


The proportion of oxyhaemoglobin to haemoglobin present in the blood at any time is known as the dissociation curve of haemoglobin.

203. Which compound in tobacco is carcinogenic?

Nicotine and tar.

204. What is meant by emphysema?


Collection of phlegm in the lungs is called emphysema.

205. Name any two allergic lung diseases?

Asthma and bronchitis.

206. How is hay fever caused?


It is caused due to the allergic reaction of upper respiratory track.

207. What are amonotelic animals?

In these animals the main nitrogenous waste is ammonia.

208. What are ureotelic animals?


Here the main nitrogenous waste is urea.

209. What are urecotelic animals?

Here the main waste is uric acid.

210. What is the main function of Nephron?


It is the basic filtration unit of kidney.

211. Where do you find Bowmann’s capsule?

Found at the nephron.

212. What is a glomerulus?


The tuft of invaginated capillaries present in the Bowmann’s capsule is called glomerulus.

213. Where do you find a Malphigian corpuscle?

Found in the kidney and is made up of Bowmann’s capsule and glomerulus.

214. What is the function of loop of Henle?

It helps in Alteration.

215. Define effective filteration pressure?

The effective filteration pressure is glomerular pressure plus capsular pressure.

216. Distinguish between acute renal failure and chronic renal failure?

ARF is characterised by sudden decline in the filtration rate of glomerulus. CRF occurs over a period of time.

217. Name the types of Dialysis?

Peritoneal dialysis and haemo dialysis.

218. What is lithotrypsy?

This is a technique to remove kidney stones without involving surgery.

219. Name the types of renal stones?

Uric acid stones, oxalate stones and phosphate stones.

220. What is meninges?

The three membranes that cover the brain is called meninges.

221. What is arachnoid?

The middle membrane of meninges is called arachnoid.

222. What is duramater?

The outer membrane of the meninges is called duramater.

223. What is piameter?

The inner membrane of the meninges is called piameter.

224. Name the parts of forebrain?

Cerebrum, alfactory lobus and diencephalon.

225. What is corpus callosum?

The transverse band of white medullated fibres that connect the two cereberal hemispheres is called corpus callosum.

226. Name the parts of mid brain?

Optical lobes and cura cerebri.

227. Name the parts of hind brain?

Cerebellum and medulla oblangata.

228. Name the parts of adenohypophysis?

Pars distalis, pars tuberalis and pars intermedia.

229. Name the types of cells found in adenohypophysis?

Chromofomes and chromophils.

230. What is gigantism?

Excessive growth in length of the bones due to over secretion of somatotrophic hormone is called gigantism.

231. What is acromegali?

Over secretion of growth hormone resulting in the enlargement of hands of feet is called acromegali.

232. What is a midget?

Less secretion of pituitary during growth period results in a small sized body known as midget.

233. What is acromicria?

Over secretion of growth hormone in midget adults will result in unproportionate growth of body known as acromicria.

234. What is Addision’s disease?

Insufficient adrenal secretion resulting in the loss of negative feedback results in adission’s disease.

235. What is cushing’s disease?

Hypersecretion of Cortisol and lack of diurnal secretion is called cushing’s disease.

236. What is hyperthyrodism?

Increased secretion of thyroxine hormone is called hyperthyrodism.

237. What is hypothyrodism?

Less secretion of thyroxine hormone is called hypothyrodism.

238. Name the hormone which promotes lactation?

Lactogenic hormone.

239. Name the two gonadotropins?

Follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone.

240. What is the function of luteinizing hormone?

It causes ovulation and helps in the formation of corpus leteum.

241. Name the hormones produced by neurohypophysis?

Vasopressin and oxytocin.

242. Name the insufficiency of which hormone causes diuresis?


243. Name the types of epilepsy?

Grandmal, peptitmal, jacksonia and psychomotor.

244. Name the types of paralysis?

Hemiplegia, paraplegia, diplegia and general paralysis.

245. Name any two psychotripic drugs?

Opium and L.S.D

246. Give botanical name of the plant which yields opium?

Papaver somniferum.

247. Give the botanical name of the plant yielding cocaine?

Erythroxylon coca.

248. Differentiate between spermatogenesis and spermeiogenesis?

The developmental process leading to the formation of spermatids is called spermatogenesis. The metamorphosis of spermatads into sperms is called spermeiogenesis.

249. What is an acrosome?

It is derivative of the golgi complex found in the anterior side of the sperm nucleus.

250. What is a golgi rest?

The reduced materials of the golgi complex which are discarded from the sperm are refered to as golgi rest.

251. What is an alecithal egg?

There is no yolk in the egg.

252. What is a microlecithal egg?

The eggs have a small amount of yolk.

253. What is a telolecithal egg?

Here is the yolk is present in one half of the egg and forms the vegetial pole.

254. What is a mesolecithal egg?

Here the eggs have a moderate amount of reserved food material.

255. What is a homolecitahl egg?

In this type the quantity of yolk is very less and it is uniformly distributed all over the egg cytoplasm.

256. Name the glycoproteins that help in fertilization?

Fertilizin and anti fertilizin.

257. Define amphimixis?

In this process there is fusion of male and female nuclei.

258. What is pathological polyspermy?

In this a monospermic egg allows the entry of many sperms.

259. What is gynogenesis?

In this only one sperm activates the egg but it is pronucleus does not unite with the pronucleus of the egg.

260. What is a blastomere?

The cells present in the blastulla are called blastomeres.

261. What is the origin of macromeres and micromeres?

Macromeres originate towards the vegetal pole while micromeres are small and originates towards the animal pole.

262. Name the cavity found in a blastula?


263. What is archenteron?

The cavity found in the gastrula is called archenteron.

264. Name the three germ layers?

Ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm.

265. Name the fibres present in the axial filament of the sperm?

Beta fibres, alpha fibres and gamma fibres.

266. What is antrum?

The fluid filled cavity present in a matured follicle is called antrum.

267. Name the membrane that lines the antrum?

Membrana granulosa.

268. Where do you find zona pellucida?

This is present internal to the theca internal in the follicle.

269. Name the site of fertilization in human beings?

Fallopian tube.

270. Why the name morula is given to a stage of development of embryo?

Because it resembles the fruit of mulberry.

271. Where do you find decidua basalis?

This refers to the part of endometrum which is directly underlying the embryo.

272. Name the foetal membranes of man?

Amnion, chorion, yolk sac and allantios.

273. What is the name of the placenta in mammals?

Chorioallantoic placenta.

274. What is a haemochorialplacenta?

There are only three layers in the placenta from the side of the foetus.

275. What is vasectomy?

This refers to cutting and rejoining of the vas deferens.

276. What is tubectomy?

In this method the fallopion tubes of both ovaries are cut and ligated againg.

277. What is laproscopy?

This refers to the cutting and ligation of fallopian tubes using an instru ment called laproscope.

278. Which scientist first began research on test tube babies?

Petrucci (1959).

279. Expand the term GIFT?

Gamete intra fallopian transfer.

280. Expand the words IVT and ET?

Invitro fertilization and embryo transfer.

281. Name any two STDs?

Syphilis and gonorrhoea.

282. Which virus causes AIDS?

HIV viruse.

283. Which scientist finally disproved abiogenesis theory?

Louis pasteur.

284. Name the first organic compound synthesized in the laboratory?


285. Name any two gases present in the primordial atmosphere of earth?

Methane, ammonia etc.

286. What is a proteniod?

Polymerisation of ammino acids which are similar to proteins.

287. What is a coacervate?

It is a solution made up of high molecular chemicals.

288. Name the ship in which Darwin travelled?

HMS Beagle.

289 From which island did Darwin collect fossil specimens?

Galapagos Island.

290. Which economist’s essay influenced Darwins theory of evolution?

Robert Malthus.

291. Define mutation?

Sudden change in the constitution of the genetic material.

292. Distinguish between pisiculture and aquaculture?

Pisiculture deals with culturing of fish while culturing of any aquatic organism is called aquaculture.

293. What is a hatching hapas?

It is an improved method consisting of a rectangular trough made up of coarse cloth.

294. Distinguish between fries and fingerlings?

Just hatched fishes are called fries while little older ones are called finger lings.

295. Which fungus kills the eggs in fish hatcharies?

Saprolegnia parasitica.

296. Give zoological names of any two fishes of Karnataka?

Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus mrigala.

297. Give the zooligical names of bull and buffalo?

Bos indicus and Bos bubalus.

298. What is the common name for lactose?

Milk sugar.

299. Name the breed of cow native to Karnataka?


300. Name the parents of the breed Australian milking zebui?

Sahiwa and European jersey.

301. Name two artificial methods of cattle breeding?

Artificial insemination and super ovulation and embryo transplantation.

302. Give the zoological name of mulberry silk worm?

Bombyx mori.

303. Name any two species of mulberry plant?

Moms alba and Morus indica.

304. What is an instar?

The stage in between the moulting is called instar.

305. What is a cocoon?

It is a secretion of the silk worm consisting of silk threads.

306. Name any two varieties of non mulberry silk?

Tasar silk and Muga silk.

307. Expand NAFED and NECC (with reference to poultry)?

National Agricultural Cooperative Federation and National Egg Coordiation Committee.

308. Differentiate between milch breed and draught breed?

Milch breed is used for milk and draught breed is used for agricultural work.

309. Give the zoological names of Ceylon jungle fowl and Jawa jungle fowl?

Gallus lafayetti and Gallus varius.

310. Name any three exotic classes of fowl?

American class, Asiatic class and English class.

311. Name any three breeds of Asiatic class fowl?

Brahma, Cochin, Giriraj etc.

312. Name any three breeds of American class?

Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island White, New hampshire, Wyandotte etc.